To enroll in VBE for the 2025-2026 school year,
please click:

We are now accepting waitlist forms for students entering Kindergarten through 8th grade in the 2026-2027 school year and beyond.

To join the waitlist for a future academic year, please visit the school office.

Please note, VBE does not consider your enrollment application to be complete unless birth certificate, immunization records and proof of residency have been uploaded at the time of registration.

Preparing for 2025-26 Enrollment

The following documents are required:

  1. Birth Certificate
  2. Proof of Residency (water, gas or electric bill)
  3. Immunization Records

Official enrollment for the 2025-2026 academic year will begin on March 3, 2025 through the Pueblo District 70 enrollment website. 

2025-26 Enrollment Timeline

March 3rd: Enrollment window opens.

March 7th: If demand exceeds capacity, a lottery for open spots will be run for each grade. Only completed applications submitted by 8:00 AM with uploaded documents will be included in the lottery.

April 1st: Deadline for VBE to notify families of acceptance or waitlist status.

Please Note: Completing the D70 enrollment does NOT mean your child is accepted at VBE. We will notify you if we have a spot available for your child or if they have been added to the enrolled waitlist.

Join the Waitlist

Thinking about VBE for your child(ren) for future years? 

  1. Visit VBE during school hours
  2. Complete the waitlist form at our office

Please Note: Waitlist applications do not automatically roll over from year to year. Anyone who is not offered an open seat, or opts not to attend for the year in which they are on the waitlist, must notify the office of intent to be put on a future year’s waitlist.

D70 Enrollment

Please allow 20 minutes per child to complete the district enrollment process.

In addition to the required documents*, have the following information ready:

  • Student personal information (legal name, DOB, address)
  • Parent/Guardian information (names, address, contact information)
  • Emergency contacts’ names and contact information
  • Student health history, medication list, and health insurance

*If your are unable to provide digital copies please contact to make other arrangements.


Kindergarten Eligibility

To enroll in kindergarten at VBE, all interested students must be age 5 on or before July 31 of the year they will enroll in kindergarten.